Respect for the Individual

The Human Being is born as a free and unique individual with the capacity to think, reason and create —and the ability to dream. “Respect for the individual” calls

on Honda to nurture and promote these characteristics in our company by respecting individual differences and trusting each other as equal partners.

Respect for the Individual recognizes the following core concepts:


Initiative means not to be bound by preconceived ideas, but think creatively and act on your own initiative and judgment, while understanding that you must take responsibility for the results of those actions.


Equality means to recognize and respect individual differences in one another and treat each other fairly. Our company is committed to this principle and to creating equal opportunities for each individual. An individual’s race, sex, age, religion, national origin, educational background, social or economic status have no bearing on the individual’s opportunities.


The relationship among associates at Honda should be based on mutual trust.

Trust is created by recognizing each other as individuals, helping out where others are deficient, accepting help where we are deficient, sharing our knowledge, and making a sincere effort to fulfill our responsibilities.

Honda is comprised of individuals working together for a common purpose. Each individual, acting appropriately within his or her role, must translate the philosophy into actions. It is this contribution from each associate that contributes to the company’s success. And every associate should be honored for these efforts.

The belief of Respect for the Individual should be applied to our relationships with fellow associates and with the people and companies with whom we conduct our business.

  • Every aspect of our relationship with our customers should exceed their expectations. Satisfying the customer is our top priority.
  • Those who conduct business with Honda—business partners, dealers, suppliers—should get something positive from the experience. The concepts of “Initiative,” “Equality,” and “Trust,” also apply to our relationships with our dealers and suppliers.
  • As members of society, we must be sensitive to the needs of the communities in which we do business and to the environment.